Aerial videos

Aerial videos

Flying, photography and writing

Three different types of passion which I have been combining over the last couple of years. I have been trying  to share with readers my flying experience and the excitement it brings. All the articles I have written over the last several years have been published on my blog on the No 1 Czech news portal or in its Travel section. All the articles are in Czech language and would be very difficult to translate but if you don´t speak our complicated language, you can at least enjoy the selection of photos and brief summaries below. The complete collections of photos and videos are available in the Aerial photos and Aerial videos sections of this web


70th Anniversary of the D-Day

I wanted to contribute to the celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the D-Day and pay tribute to the soldiers who were there and  especially to those who lost their lives. The best way I could do so was to prepare a video which shows aerial views of the disembarkation beaches. I hope you will like it and  it will give you a better understanding of the D-Day situation. more

4.2.2014 Peenemunde, Hamburg, Helgoland, Bremen

In July 1943 the U.S. and British bombers started the operation Ghomorrah the objective of which was to inflict as much damage as possible on industrial, military as well as civilan targets in Hamburg. The operation lasted for a week and it represented the largest bombing raid ever at that time. The U.S. aircraft carried out their task during the day and the British ones during the night. I wanted to get a better feel for how it could look like during the bombing 70 years ago so I flew over the centre of Hamburg in a similar way the bombers must have done. Since I had some time left you can also see some interesting footage of other places related to WWII – Bremen, Peenemunde and the island of Helgoland. more

6.11.2013 Across the Arctic circle

Video of a flight in a Dynamic WT9 sport aircraft from Pribram, Czech Republic across the Arctice circle - glaciers, fjords, mountains and the weather filmed by an outside camera attached to the aircraft. Photos taken during this and other flights can be found here. Mored details concerning this journey can also be found here. more

6.10.2013 Flight over the coast of Croatia

I flew to Croatia to film its coast in June 2013. This was the first time that I used an outside camera for taking  video as well as photographs in flight. The objective of the whole journey was to document the journey of the milion or so Czech tourists flocking to Croatia every Summer. Photographs taken during the journey can be found in the photo section of this web. The three articles describing the journey are also shown on this web in the section "Articles". more

11.11.2013 Flying a circuit at Gidding - Texas

Mastering a flight in a circuit around an airport is the basic part of a pilot training. Taking off correctly, climbing at the right speed, setting the engine RPM at the right value, managing the flaps and undercarriage, leveling off at the correct altitude, maintaining the prescribed speed and altitude throughout the circle, carrying out all the prescribed checks, making the turns at the apropriate positions, communicating correctly with the tower, descending at the right speed, rate and direction, landing at a correct speed and spot, etc. etc., all this shows the level of proficiency of any pilot. It is good to repeat the routine whenever there is an opportunity. Here I did just that in a Cessna C 172 at the airport of Giddings, Texas. more


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